Sunday 2 September 2012

Exploring the mountains in Chiang Mai

Our host at our guesthouse was a guy from Sheffield called David, who, with his two dogs, took us to a waterfall in Chiang Mai. As we were walking along, he casually told us the story of when he saw a 17ft King Cobra on a path round the corner; nerves were running high by the time we reached the natural waterslide. He said next time he'd take us to the 'big' slide...this was plenty 'big' enough for me, thank you.

We carried on zipping up the mountain on our bikes and came across a temple on a hill, with stunning views over Chiang Mai.

Mutley and Fat Dog
A spot of monk-spotting

The monks knew the credit crunch was coming

Chiang Mai

Further up the mountain, we came across a hill tribe village. It was a lot more commercialised than we thought it would be, and was very much geared up for tourists. We didn't have time to carry on up the mountain in search of more 'authentic' hill tribes, but we did enjoy a cold drink and a spot of archery.

Below is the result of a long day biking in the heat...I knew something didn't feel right. The locals looked on with curiosity.

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