Friday 3 August 2012

Where do you wear your trousers, Sir?

Hoi An is famous for is tailored clothes. You can take in a picture of literally anything and they will make it for you within 24 hours...pretty impressive! Tim decided to indulge in a little retail therapy in the form of a tailor made suit.

After browsing through a sea of different fabrics, he chose a design he liked (though to our eyes they all pretty much looked the same) and opted for a grey material.

And so the measurements began...

Now, for perhaps the funniest moment of our trip so far...

When people are buying tailored suits in the movies, we are led to believe that at some stage the tailor will ask the question: "On which side do you dress, Sir?" During the measurements, the tailor, in her very good English, asked Tim, "And where do you wear your trousers, Sir?" Tim, who was nervously anticipating the question about his personal preferences, answered "umm, usually to the right". The tailor burst out laughing and rephrased the question: "No Sir, how high on your waist?!" The poor lady got a lot more personal information than she had bargained for, but remained professional. I, however, nearly had to leave the store for fits of laughter.

Three fittings later and the suit was finished. Rather dashing, don't you think?

They asked Tim if he would pose by the piano so they could take some photographs for their website. We would like to believe that they chose him because of his good looks, rather than they photograph every suit they make for their portfolios. But, we suspect it may be the latter.

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